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James Herriot

James Herriot fue el seud�nimo usado por James Alfred (J.A.) Wight. Nacio , crecio y se licencio como veterinario en Glasgow. Poco despue s de graduarse acepto un puesto como asistente en una cli nica rural de North Yorkshire, donde trabajari a toda su vida. Estas son sus memorias de aquellos an os que, bajo el pseudo nimo de James Herriot, han cautivado y deleitado a millones de lectores desde que se publicaron por primera vez en 1972. Pese a que su e xito de ventas fue inmediato,...See more

Personality Profile For James Herriot

The following is a personality profile of James Herriot based on his work.

James Herriot is genial.

He is empathetic, he feels what others feel and is compassionate towards them. He is calm-seeking as well: he prefers activities that are quiet, calm, and safe. But, James Herriot is also confident: he is hard to embarrass and is self-confident most of the time.

More than most people, his choices are driven by a desire for self-expression.

He is relatively unconcerned with both tradition and achieving success. He cares more about making his own path than following what others have done. And he makes decisions with little regard for how they show off his talents.

Writing style analyzed by IBM Watson

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