Ivan Panin
IVAN PANIN was born in Russia in 1855. A firm agnostic and nihilist, he was exiled for participating in plots against his government, emigrated to Germany, and eventually to the United States. Here he graduated from Harvard as a Master of Literary Criticism, delivering outstanding lectures at premium venues. His conversion to Christianity in the late 1880's was an event that produced no small public stir, as his agnostic position was well-known and had been considered unassailable. In 1890, his...See more
IVAN PANIN was born in Russia in 1855. A firm agnostic and nihilist, he was exiled for participating in plots against his government, emigrated to Germany, and eventually to the United States. Here he graduated from Harvard as a Master of Literary Criticism, delivering outstanding lectures at premium venues. His conversion to Christianity in the late 1880's was an event that produced no small public stir, as his agnostic position was well-known and had been considered unassailable. In 1890, his attention was caught by the first chapter of John, in which the article is used before God in one instance, then left out in the next ("...and the Word was with the God, and the Word was God"). His keen literary and mathematical mind was aroused, and he began to examine the text to see if there was an underlying pattern contributing to what arrested his trained eye. Making parallel lists of verses with and without the article, he discovered striking mathematical relationships. Undaunted by the enormity of the task, he progressively unearthed a treasury of numeric relationships. Until his death in 1942 Panin labored continuously, discovering complex numerical patterns throughout the Greek New Testament-often to the detriment of his health. The overwhelming conclusion drawn from his studies is simple: Were this done intentionally by man, it would have demanded the collaboration of all writers of the Bible-and the condition that all of them be mathematicians of the highest order. Ivan Panin spent 50 years of his life documenting in detail the numerical designs in the Bible, handwriting 40,000 pages of his computations. Among his published works are: -1903: Aphorisms -1914: The New Testament from the Greek Text as Established by Bible Numerics. -1923: Bible Chronology -New Testament in the Original Greek. The Text Established By Means of Bible Numerics (1934) -Bible Numerics -The Last Twelve Verses Of Mark -Verbal Inspiration Of The Bible Scientifically Demonstrated -The Inspiration Of The Hebrew Scriptures Scientifically Demonstrated It must be noted that Panin's discoveries are raw material. He searched out and transcribed thousands of seemingly impossible mathematical patterns in the scriptures, but unlike most who take up this subject today, did not attempt to find mystical meanings or prophecies in them. He simply did the work, and did it thoroughly. His was a true noble mind whose treasures have even yet to be fully searched out. See less