Helen Bradford
Helen Bradford Helen Bradford bok3 si6 hai6 yat1 wai2 deui3 yau3 yi4 gaau3 yuk6 chung1 mun5 yit6 sing4 ge3 jung1 san1 yau3 yi4 gaau3 yuk6 ga1 keui5 ge3 jyun1 cheung4 ling5 wik6 hai6 jou2 nin4 yu5 yin4 tung4 0 -8 duk6 se2 nang4 lik6 faat3 jin2 ling4 -8 baat3 seui3 keui5 chang4 ging1 hai2 gim3 kiu4 daai6 hok6 gaau3 yuk6 hok6 yun2 tung4 leun4 Helen deun1 daai6 hok6...See more
Helen Bradford Helen Bradford bok3 si6 hai6 yat1 wai2 deui3 yau3 yi4 gaau3 yuk6 chung1 mun5 yit6 sing4 ge3 jung1 san1 yau3 yi4 gaau3 yuk6 ga1 keui5 ge3 jyun1 cheung4 ling5 wik6 hai6 jou2 nin4 yu5 yin4 tung4 0 -8 duk6 se2 nang4 lik6 faat3 jin2 ling4 -8 baat3 seui3 keui5 chang4 ging1 hai2 gim3 kiu4 daai6 hok6 gaau3 yuk6 hok6 yun2 tung4 leun4 Helen deun1 daai6 hok6 gaau3 yuk6 hok6 yun2 gong2 hok6 Helen bok3 si6 CAMathories hai6 CAMathories ge3 gaau3 yuk6 tyun4 deui2 sing4 yun4 wai6/wai4CAMathories(TM) CAMathories(TM) chit3 gai3 fo3 ching4 yik6 hai6 man4 gaan1 gu3 si6 (TM) sou3 hok6 (TM) hai6 lit6 syu1 jik6 ge3 jok3 je2 keui5 yi4 ga1 hai6CAMAthories CAMAthories gung1 si1 ge3 yau3 yi4 tung4 duk6 se2 gu3 man6 About the WriterHelen Bradford, Ph.D.Helen Bradford, Ph.D. is a passionate lifelong early years educator. She has workedin the early years for almost 30 years, where her specialist area of expertise isdeveloping childhood language and literacy 0-8 years. She worked at the Facultyof Education at the University of Cambridge between 2003 to 2015, where sheco-led literacy on the Early Years and Primary PGCE course, alongside Mrs. PennyColtman and Dr. David Whitebread. Dr. Bradford moved to UCL (University CollegeLondon) Institute of Education in 2015, where she lectured for four years acrossearly childhood Master's courses, working with diverse cohorts of students fromacross the globe. Her Master's Thesis, 'The Perceptions of Three- and Four-Year-Old Children as Writers' submitted to Cambridge received a top 'A' grade. HerPh.D. research, entitled 'Co-Constructing Writing Pedagogy with Two-and-Three-Year-Old Children', won the 2019 United Kingdom Literacy Association prize forbest thesis. Dr. Bradford is a member of CAMathories' Education Team, designingthe curriculum for CAMathories(TM), and is a writer of the Folktale Mathematics(TM)Series of Books. Succeeding Dr. David Whitebread after his untimely passing, Dr. Bradford is currently the Chief Education Officer of CAMathories Company. See less