Greg Scheer
Greg Scheer is a composer, church musician, and choir and music director. Currently minister of worship at Church of the Servant (CRC) and a music associate with the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship, both in Grand Rapids, Michigan, he is the author of The Art of Worship and a contributor to The Hymn , Call to Worship , Worship Leader , and New Songs of Celebration Render . His music is available from Augsburg Fortress, GIA, Abingdon Press, Worship Today, Faith Alive, in numerous hymnals,...See more
Greg Scheer is a composer, church musician, and choir and music director. Currently minister of worship at Church of the Servant (CRC) and a music associate with the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship, both in Grand Rapids, Michigan, he is the author of The Art of Worship and a contributor to The Hymn , Call to Worship , Worship Leader , and New Songs of Celebration Render . His music is available from Augsburg Fortress, GIA, Abingdon Press, Worship Today, Faith Alive, in numerous hymnals, and at See less