Gay Su Pinnell
Gay Su Pinnell is Professor Emerita in the School of Teaching and Learning at The Ohio State University and a member of the Reading Hall of Fame. She has extensive experience in classroom teaching, field-based research, and in developing comprehensive literacy systems. She is the recipient of the International Literacy Association's Diane Lapp & James Flood Professional Collaborator Award, The Ohio State University Alumni Association's Medalist Award, the International Reading Association's...See more
Gay Su Pinnell is Professor Emerita in the School of Teaching and Learning at The Ohio State University and a member of the Reading Hall of Fame. She has extensive experience in classroom teaching, field-based research, and in developing comprehensive literacy systems. She is the recipient of the International Literacy Association's Diane Lapp & James Flood Professional Collaborator Award, The Ohio State University Alumni Association's Medalist Award, the International Reading Association's Albert J. Harris Award for research in reading difficulties, the Ohio Governor's Award, the Charles A. Dana Foundation Award, The Eastern New Mexico University Hall of Honor, and a 2018 recipient of an honorary doctorate Lesley University for her contributions to literacy education. Fountas and Pinnell's transformative, collective and comprehensive literacy work includes a cohesive classroom literacy system for grades PreK-6 ( Fountas & Pinnell Classroom (TM)), an intervention system for grades K-12 ( Leveled Literacy Intervention ), an assessment system ( Benchmark Assessment System for grades K-8 and Sistema de evaluación de la lectura for grades K-3), an extensive professional book base, and professional learning opportunities. Fountas and Pinnell continue to influence and inspire educators nationwide and abroad with resources and books such as: The Fountas & Pinnell Phonics, Spelling, and Word Study Systems (2017, 2019, 2020) The Reading Minilessons Books, Grades K-6 (2017, 2019, 2020) Spanish Reader's Notebooks (2019) Reader's Notebooks Sing a Song of Poetry (2018, 2019) The Literacy Quick Guide (2018) Words That Sing: Poetry Charts, Grades PreK-2 (2018) The Fountas & Pinnell Literacy Continuum (2017) Continuo de la lectoescritura, Grados PreK-8 (2020) Continuo de la lectoescritura totalmente en español, Grados PreK-8 (2020) The Fountas & Pinnell Comprehensive Phonics, Spelling, and Word Study Guide (2017) Guided Reading: Responsive Teaching Across the Grades, Second Edition (2017) Fountas & Pinnell SELECT Collections LLI Choice Libraries Fountas & Pinnell Reading Record Apps Genre Study: Teaching with Fiction and Nonfiction Books (2012) Genre Quick Guide, A Companion to Genre Study: Teaching with Fiction and Nonfiction Books (2012) Genre Prompting Guide for Fiction (2012) Genre Prompting Guide for Nonfiction, Poetry, and Test Taking (2012) Literacy Beginnings (2011) Prompting Guide, Part 1 for Oral Reading and Early Writing (2008) Prompting Guide, Part 2 for Comprehension: Thinking, Talking, Writing (2011) When Readers Struggle: Teaching That Works (2009) Teaching for Comprehending and Fluency: Thinking, Talking, and Writing About Reading, K-8 (2006) Leveled Books, K-8: Matching Texts to Readers for Effective Teaching (2005) Guided Reading: Good First Teaching for All Children (1996) Guiding Readers and Writers: Teaching Comprehension, Genre, and Content Literacy (2001) Interactive Writing: How Language & Literacy Come Together, K-2 (2000) Word Matters: Teaching Phonics and Spelling in the Reading/Writing Classroom (1998) Help America Read and Coordinator's... See less