Gary Gibbs
Gary Gibbs is 71 years old. He has been a Christian for 63 years. He has served as Associate Pastor, Worship Leader, Bible Study Leader, served on prayer teams and produced a Christian radio program in Shreveport, Louisiana for 2 years. He previously was on the road for years with a rock and roll band and travelled all those dark roads also. So, He is a man who has been there and back - and remembers the way. A man who Loves Jesus.
Gary Gibbs is 71 years old. He has been a Christian for 63 years. He has served as Associate Pastor, Worship Leader, Bible Study Leader, served on prayer teams and produced a Christian radio program in Shreveport, Louisiana for 2 years. He previously was on the road for years with a rock and roll band and travelled all those dark roads also. So, He is a man who has been there and back - and remembers the way. A man who Loves Jesus. See less
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