Fernando J Miguel
Fernando J. Miguel is a Certified Professional Scrum Master by the Scrum Alliance, with experience in Analysis and Web Application Development since 2003. He has been working with Project Development with Design Patterns, MVC, Object Oriented Programming and Agile. Fernando also has experience with Content Management Systems (CMS), Wordpress, Joomla, Magento 2, PHP, Java, Node.js, Android, SQL, NoSQL, Cloud Computing.Fernando has a bachelor degree at Information Systems (Centro Universitrio...See more
Fernando J. Miguel is a Certified Professional Scrum Master by the Scrum Alliance, with experience in Analysis and Web Application Development since 2003. He has been working with Project Development with Design Patterns, MVC, Object Oriented Programming and Agile. Fernando also has experience with Content Management Systems (CMS), Wordpress, Joomla, Magento 2, PHP, Java, Node.js, Android, SQL, NoSQL, Cloud Computing.Fernando has a bachelor degree at Information Systems (Centro Universitrio Mdulo - Brazil), specialization in Project Management / PMI-PMBOK (Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul - Brazil), specialization in Informatics on Health (Universidade Federal de So Paulo - Brazil) and currently he is pursuing a master's degree in Electronic Engineering Computer - Informatics at Instituto de Tecnologia e Aeronutica (ITA), one of the best technology institute in Brazil.DedicationTo my grandmother Mildes and my mother Edneia, wherever they are, I'm sure they are very happy with my work. To my beloved wife Elizabete for the countless hours of patience with my work. Love you. See less