Erwan Lannon
Erwan Lannon is Professor in European Law at the University of Ghent and at the College of Europe (Bruges and Natolin). He has worked as a consultant and expert for several EU institutions, the United Nations (UNCTAD) and various institutes and networks (European Union Institute for Security Studies, Euromesco, IEMed, European Movement International). Erwan Lannon est professeur en droit europeen a l'Universite de Gand et au College d'Europe (Bruges et Natolin). Il a travaille comme expert et...See more
Erwan Lannon is Professor in European Law at the University of Ghent and at the College of Europe (Bruges and Natolin). He has worked as a consultant and expert for several EU institutions, the United Nations (UNCTAD) and various institutes and networks (European Union Institute for Security Studies, Euromesco, IEMed, European Movement International). Erwan Lannon est professeur en droit europeen a l'Universite de Gand et au College d'Europe (Bruges et Natolin). Il a travaille comme expert et consultant pour plusieurs institutions europeennes, les Nations Unies (CNUCED) et divers reseaux et instituts (dont l'Institut d'etudes et de securite de l'Union europeenne, Euromesco, l'IEMed et le mouvement europeen international). See less
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