Erin Dutton
Erin Dutton resides near Nashville, TN, with her wife. They enjoy traveling with their much doted-on dog. In 2007 she published her first book, Sequestered Hearts , and has kept writing since. She's a proud recipient of the 2011 Alice B. Readers Appreciation Medal for her body of work. When not working or writing, she enjoys playing golf, photography, and spending time with friends and family.
Erin Dutton resides near Nashville, TN, with her wife. They enjoy traveling with their much doted-on dog. In 2007 she published her first book, Sequestered Hearts , and has kept writing since. She's a proud recipient of the 2011 Alice B. Readers Appreciation Medal for her body of work. When not working or writing, she enjoys playing golf, photography, and spending time with friends and family. See less