Emmanuel Chinedu Anagwo
Emmanuel Chinedu Anagwo, PhD (Sacred Liturgy), PhD (Philosophy of Education), STL, MTh, MED, BTh, BPhil, BA, DIP. Edu, DIP. Lat., is a priest of the Catholic diocese of Nnewi, Nigeria. He has also edited, co-edited and co-authored some professional books and served as Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editor of various professional journals. Since 2012, he has been teaching sacred liturgy at the Catholic Institute of West Africa (CIWA), Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
Emmanuel Chinedu Anagwo, PhD (Sacred Liturgy), PhD (Philosophy of Education), STL, MTh, MED, BTh, BPhil, BA, DIP. Edu, DIP. Lat., is a priest of the Catholic diocese of Nnewi, Nigeria. He has also edited, co-edited and co-authored some professional books and served as Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editor of various professional journals. Since 2012, he has been teaching sacred liturgy at the Catholic Institute of West Africa (CIWA), Port Harcourt, Nigeria. See less