Emily Devenport
EMILY DEVENPORT is the author of Medusa Uploaded , and her short stories have appeared in Asimov's SF , Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine, Clarkesworld, Uncanny , Cicada , and the Mammoth Book of Kaiju. Her day job is at the Heard Museum in Phoenix, Arizona. She is an aspiring geologist, an avid hiker and gardener, and a volunteer at the Desert Botanical Garden.
EMILY DEVENPORT is the author of Medusa Uploaded , and her short stories have appeared in Asimov's SF , Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine, Clarkesworld, Uncanny , Cicada , and the Mammoth Book of Kaiju. Her day job is at the Heard Museum in Phoenix, Arizona. She is an aspiring geologist, an avid hiker and gardener, and a volunteer at the Desert Botanical Garden. See less