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Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861) was an English poet. The daughter of a wealthy family--her father made his fortune as a slave owner in Jamaica, while her mother's family owned and operated sugar plantations, mills, and ships--Browning eventually became an abolitionist and advocate for child labor laws. Her marriage to the prominent Victorian poet Robert Browning caused the final break between Browning and her family, after which she moved to Italy and lived there with Robert for the...See more

Personality Profile For Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Elizabeth Barrett Browning

The following is a personality profile of Elizabeth Barrett Browning based on her work.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning is social.

She is empathetic, she feels what others feel and is compassionate towards them. She is appreciative of art as well: she enjoys beauty and seek out creative experiences. But, Elizabeth Barrett Browning is also confident: she is hard to embarrass and is self-confident most of the time.

More than most people, her choices are driven by a desire for discovery.

She is also relatively unconcerned with tradition: she cares more about making her own path than following what others have done. Considers independence to guide a large part of what she does: she likes to set her own goals to decide how to best achieve them.

Writing style analyzed by IBM Watson

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