Eileen Mayers Pasztor
Eileen Mayers Pasztor has a BA from Stanford University, a MSW from The Ohio State University, and DSW from The Catholic University of America. She has served as a public agency child welfare caseworker and supervisor, curriculum developer and trainer, and foster and adoptive parent. Prior to joining the faculty at California State University, Long Beach, Dr. Pasztor worked for the Child Welfare League of America (CWLA), directing its national programs for family foster care, kinship care, and...See more
Eileen Mayers Pasztor has a BA from Stanford University, a MSW from The Ohio State University, and DSW from The Catholic University of America. She has served as a public agency child welfare caseworker and supervisor, curriculum developer and trainer, and foster and adoptive parent. Prior to joining the faculty at California State University, Long Beach, Dr. Pasztor worked for the Child Welfare League of America (CWLA), directing its national programs for family foster care, kinship care, and adoption. She is a principal designer and developer of resources for the development and support of foster and adoptive parents as partners in child protection, such as the PRIDE Model of Practice and the Collaborating With Kinship Caregivers Model of Practice , published by CWLA and used across the country and internationally. At CSULB, she teaches MSW courses in administration, child welfare, social welfare, and thesis advisement. Dr. Pasztor has published a book and journal articles on foster parenting and kinship care, and she guest edited a special 2011 issue of the J ournal of Public Child Welfare on advocacy and public relations. She has received a number of local and national awards for her curriculum development and advocacy work. Dr. Pasztor has trained thousands of child welfare professionals and caregivers, delivered hundreds of keynote addresses and workshops domestically and overseas, and given numerous television, radio, and newspaper interviews, with advocacy always as a central theme. See less