Dr. Scott Dell
Dr. Scott Dell is a licensed CPA, insightful Wharton MBA, talented Big 4 and second-tier firm alumnus, award-winning full-time academic, successful entrepreneur, passionate career educator, proud Navy veteran, and well-respected authority and keynote speaker on GAI, including ChatGPT and ChatGPT 4o. Dr. Dell has also been a tech consultant and advocate for over 30 years. Please allow him to inspire you to apply and take advantage of the latest technologies. His knowledge and experience with...See more
Dr. Scott Dell is a licensed CPA, insightful Wharton MBA, talented Big 4 and second-tier firm alumnus, award-winning full-time academic, successful entrepreneur, passionate career educator, proud Navy veteran, and well-respected authority and keynote speaker on GAI, including ChatGPT and ChatGPT 4o. Dr. Dell has also been a tech consultant and advocate for over 30 years. Please allow him to inspire you to apply and take advantage of the latest technologies. His knowledge and experience with ChatGPT will propel you to major success in applying and using this powerful technology. See less
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