Dr. Allan S Teel, M.D.
Allan S. Teel, M.D. is a family physician in Damariscotta, Maine. During his twenty-five-year medical career, he has worked with thousands of older patients in the hospital, at nursing homes, in assisted living homes, and in their own homes. Each one has left a lasting impression. Dr. Teel's passion and commitment have driven him to speak out forcefully on the crisis facing our communities and our country. He puts human faces on our elders who are too often alone and invisible.
Allan S. Teel, M.D. is a family physician in Damariscotta, Maine. During his twenty-five-year medical career, he has worked with thousands of older patients in the hospital, at nursing homes, in assisted living homes, and in their own homes. Each one has left a lasting impression. Dr. Teel's passion and commitment have driven him to speak out forcefully on the crisis facing our communities and our country. He puts human faces on our elders who are too often alone and invisible. See less
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