Dorothy Van Kirk
Dorothy Van Kirk, a Phi Beta Kappa graduate from Colorado State University, has been enchanting young minds with her stories since 2012. Born in the Bronx and now living in Colorado, Dorothy's childhood dream was to create children's tales. Her books, including Dusty the Christmas Star, The Duck Showed Up, Lurk the Lavender Leopard, and Izzabella Pinafore, often pair heartfelt lessons with whimsical charm. Her latest book, Does My Lizard Really Like Me?, continues this tradition.
Dorothy Van Kirk, a Phi Beta Kappa graduate from Colorado State University, has been enchanting young minds with her stories since 2012. Born in the Bronx and now living in Colorado, Dorothy's childhood dream was to create children's tales. Her books, including Dusty the Christmas Star, The Duck Showed Up, Lurk the Lavender Leopard, and Izzabella Pinafore, often pair heartfelt lessons with whimsical charm. Her latest book, Does My Lizard Really Like Me?, continues this tradition. See less