Debbie Struck
Debbie Struck resides in 'The Classic City, ' Athens, Georgia, enjoying the homeschool life with her two youngest sons. The Golden Feather Challenge evolved from the original version she created while homeschooling her oldest son who graduated in 2020. In her high-energy home full of boys, she delights in hot tea, ever-growing bookshelves, her many dogs, gardening, and the great outdoors.
Debbie Struck resides in 'The Classic City, ' Athens, Georgia, enjoying the homeschool life with her two youngest sons. The Golden Feather Challenge evolved from the original version she created while homeschooling her oldest son who graduated in 2020. In her high-energy home full of boys, she delights in hot tea, ever-growing bookshelves, her many dogs, gardening, and the great outdoors. See less
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