Deacon Michael Wesley
Deacon Michael Wesley has lived most of his life in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education, a Master of Arts degree in Special Education, and a Master of Theological Studies degree. In 2003 he was ordained to the Permanent Diaconate for the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. He has been involved with the Catholic Charismatic Renewal since 1971. He and his wife, Kathy minister together in the Renewal and the Catholic Church.
Deacon Michael Wesley has lived most of his life in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education, a Master of Arts degree in Special Education, and a Master of Theological Studies degree. In 2003 he was ordained to the Permanent Diaconate for the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. He has been involved with the Catholic Charismatic Renewal since 1971. He and his wife, Kathy minister together in the Renewal and the Catholic Church. See less
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