Chantal Mouffe
Chantal Mouffe is the Professor of Political Theory at the Centre for the Study of Democracy at the University of Westminster. Her books include Gramsci and Marxist Theory , Hegemony and Socialist Strategy (with Ernesto Laclau), Dimensions of Radical Democracy , The Return of the Political , The Democratic Paradox , On the Political , Agonistics , and the highly acclaimed For a Left Populism.
Chantal Mouffe is the Professor of Political Theory at the Centre for the Study of Democracy at the University of Westminster. Her books include Gramsci and Marxist Theory , Hegemony and Socialist Strategy (with Ernesto Laclau), Dimensions of Radical Democracy , The Return of the Political , The Democratic Paradox , On the Political , Agonistics , and the highly acclaimed For a Left Populism. See less