Channa Bambaradeniya
Dr. Channa Bambaradeniya is the Coordinator of the Asia RegiDr. Channa Bambaradeniya is the Coordinator of the Asia Regional Species and Biodiversity Programme at the Internationalonal Species and Biodiversity Programme at the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Cinthya Flores is an inte Union for Conservation of Nature. Cinthya Flores is an international social communications consultant and journalist. Drnational social communications consultant and journalist. Dr. Joshua Ginsberg...See more
Dr. Channa Bambaradeniya is the Coordinator of the Asia RegiDr. Channa Bambaradeniya is the Coordinator of the Asia Regional Species and Biodiversity Programme at the Internationalonal Species and Biodiversity Programme at the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Cinthya Flores is an inte Union for Conservation of Nature. Cinthya Flores is an international social communications consultant and journalist. Drnational social communications consultant and journalist. Dr. Joshua Ginsberg is Vice President for Global Programs at r. Joshua Ginsberg is Vice President for Global Programs at the Wildlife Conservation Society. Dwight Holing is the auththe Wildlife Conservation Society. Dwight Holing is the author of many books on rain forests, coral reefs, and wildernesor of many books on rain forests, coral reefs, and wilderness in Europe and western America. Dr. Susan Lumpkin is a Reses in Europe and western America. Dr. Susan Lumpkin is a Research Associate of the Smithsonian Institution's National Zooarch Associate of the Smithsonian Institution's National Zoological Parks. George McKay chairs the New South Wales Natiological Parks. George McKay chairs the New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Advisory Council, Australia. Dr. Johnnal Parks and Wildlife Advisory Council, Australia. Dr. John Musick is Marshall Acuff Professor Emeritus in Marine Scien Musick is Marshall Acuff Professor Emeritus in Marine Science at the College of William and Mary's Virginia Institute oce at the College of William and Mary's Virginia Institute of Marine Science. Dr. Patrick Quilty is Honorary Research Prf Marine Science. Dr. Patrick Quilty is Honorary Research Professor in Earth Sciences at the University of Tasmania. Dr.ofessor in Earth Sciences at the University of Tasmania. Dr. Bernard Stonehouse is an environmental biologist with the S Bernard Stonehouse is an environmental biologist with the Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge, and cott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge, and the Maritime Historical Studies Centre, University of Hull. the Maritime Historical Studies Centre, University of Hull. Dr. Eric John Woehler is an expert on antarctic and subantarDr. Eric John Woehler is an expert on antarctic and subantarctic birds. Dr. David Woodruff is Professor of Biology at thctic birds. Dr. David Woodruff is Professor of Biology at the University of California, San Diego. e University of California, San Diego. See less
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