CC Rose
Charlie Rose, a native of Dallas, Texas, is a visionary co-author who has played an integral role in bringing the captivating world of dragons to life through the renowned "Dragons of Romania" book series with DW Peeler. From an early age, Charlie exhibited an insatiable curiosity for fantasy, art, and drawing, leading to a deep fascination with the mythical creatures known as dragons. Growing up in the heart of Texas, far from the rolling hills and ancient forests of Romania, Charlie's love...See more
Charlie Rose, a native of Dallas, Texas, is a visionary co-author who has played an integral role in bringing the captivating world of dragons to life through the renowned "Dragons of Romania" book series with DW Peeler. From an early age, Charlie exhibited an insatiable curiosity for fantasy, art, and drawing, leading to a deep fascination with the mythical creatures known as dragons. Growing up in the heart of Texas, far from the rolling hills and ancient forests of Romania, Charlie's love for fantasy was cultivated through comic books, animation, literature, and folklore. See less