C P Snow
C.P. Snow was born in Leicester, on 15 October 1905. He was C.P. Snow was born in Leicester, on 15 October 1905. He was C.P. Snow was born in Leicester, on 15 October 1905. He was educated from age 11 at Alderman Newton's School for boys wheducated from age 11 at Alderman Newton's School for boys wheducated from age 11 at Alderman Newton's School for boys where he excelled in most subjects, enjoying a reputation for ere he excelled in most subjects, enjoying a reputation for ere he excelled in...See more
C.P. Snow was born in Leicester, on 15 October 1905. He was C.P. Snow was born in Leicester, on 15 October 1905. He was C.P. Snow was born in Leicester, on 15 October 1905. He was educated from age 11 at Alderman Newton's School for boys wheducated from age 11 at Alderman Newton's School for boys wheducated from age 11 at Alderman Newton's School for boys where he excelled in most subjects, enjoying a reputation for ere he excelled in most subjects, enjoying a reputation for ere he excelled in most subjects, enjoying a reputation for an astounding memory. In 1923, he gained an external scholaran astounding memory. In 1923, he gained an external scholaran astounding memory. In 1923, he gained an external scholarship in science at London University, whilst working as a laship in science at London University, whilst working as a laship in science at London University, whilst working as a laboratory assistant at Newton's to gain the necessary practicboratory assistant at Newton's to gain the necessary practicboratory assistant at Newton's to gain the necessary practical experience, because Leicester University, as it was to beal experience, because Leicester University, as it was to beal experience, because Leicester University, as it was to become, had no chemistry or physics departments at that time. come, had no chemistry or physics departments at that time. come, had no chemistry or physics departments at that time. Having achieved a first class degree, followed by a Master oHaving achieved a first class degree, followed by a Master oHaving achieved a first class degree, followed by a Master of Science he won a studentship in 1928 which he used to resef Science he won a studentship in 1928 which he used to resef Science he won a studentship in 1928 which he used to research at the famous Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge. Snow warch at the famous Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge. Snow warch at the famous Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge. Snow went on to become a Fellow of Christ's College, Cambridge, inent on to become a Fellow of Christ's College, Cambridge, inent on to become a Fellow of Christ's College, Cambridge, in 1930 where he also served as a tutor, but his position beca 1930 where he also served as a tutor, but his position beca 1930 where he also served as a tutor, but his position became increasingly titular as he branched into other areas of ame increasingly titular as he branched into other areas of ame increasingly titular as he branched into other areas of activity. In 1934, he began to publish scientific articles inctivity. In 1934, he began to publish scientific articles inctivity. In 1934, he began to publish scientific articles in 'Nature', and then 'The Spectator' before becoming editor o 'Nature', and then 'The Spectator' before becoming editor o 'Nature', and then 'The Spectator' before becoming editor of the journal 'Discovery' in 1937. He was also writing fictif the journal 'Discovery' in 1937. He was also writing fictif the journal 'Discovery' in 1937. He was also writing fiction during this period and in 1940 'Strangers and Brothers' won during this period and in 1940 'Strangers and Brothers' won during this period and in 1940 'Strangers and Brothers' was published. This was the first of eleven novels in the seras published. This was the first of eleven novels in the seras published. This was the first of eleven novels in the series and was later renamed 'George Passant' when 'Strangers aies and was later renamed 'George Passant' when 'Strangers aies and was later renamed 'George Passant' when 'Strangers and Brothers' was used to denote the series itself. 'Discovernd Brothers' was used to denote the series itself. 'Discovernd Brothers' was used to... See less