Bryn Jones
Bryn Jones, ND., is a Naturopath and Psychoanalytical Psychotherapist. He is a native Welsh speaker and a Quaker. After working as a psychotherapist in Germany for more than a quarter of a century he now shares his time between the Wild Wild Web, his beloved Wales and various points East. He still believes in the power of human beings to heal themselves but is somewhat sceptical about the world being able to heal itself.
Bryn Jones, ND., is a Naturopath and Psychoanalytical Psychotherapist. He is a native Welsh speaker and a Quaker. After working as a psychotherapist in Germany for more than a quarter of a century he now shares his time between the Wild Wild Web, his beloved Wales and various points East. He still believes in the power of human beings to heal themselves but is somewhat sceptical about the world being able to heal itself. See less