Brian Wills
Antes de entrar al ministerio , Brian Wills se gradu� de la Universidad Drury en 1986 con una licenciatura en administraci�n de empresas. Brian pas� veinte a�os en la industria del tenis y se gan� una clasificaci�n internacional en los circuitos European Satellite y Challenger. Como maestro, coach y director ejecutivo, ha dirigido clubes de tenis, ha entrenado a cientos de instructores, ha dirigido cl�nicas con otros jugadores profesionales, y ha proporcionado coaching personal a...See more
Antes de entrar al ministerio , Brian Wills se gradu� de la Universidad Drury en 1986 con una licenciatura en administraci�n de empresas. Brian pas� veinte a�os en la industria del tenis y se gan� una clasificaci�n internacional en los circuitos European Satellite y Challenger. Como maestro, coach y director ejecutivo, ha dirigido clubes de tenis, ha entrenado a cientos de instructores, ha dirigido cl�nicas con otros jugadores profesionales, y ha proporcionado coaching personal a muchas personas muy conocidas. Brian y su esposa, Beth, son graduados de Rhema Bible Training Center, donde Brian trabaj� en la Escuela de Sanidad y en el Centro de Oraci�n y Sanidad para Kenneth Hagin Ministries. Han estado en la plantilla de personal en dos iglesias en Virginia. Brian trabaja como instructor invitado en Living Water Teaching en Guatemala y en Rhema Bible Training Center-Colombia en Colombia. Son miembros de Rhema Ministerial Association International, International Convention of Faith Ministers, y Worship Center Ministers' Fellowship. Brian y Beth y sus cuatro hijos viven actualmente cerca de Richmond, Virginia. Brian Wills and his wife, Beth, are itinerant missionaries whose vision is to bring hope and healing to this generation. Through their ministry, Healing For The Nations, they have corporately traveled to over forty nations of the world. Brian and Beth are ordained ministers and graduates of Rhema Bible Training Center in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. Brian is a guest instructor at Rhema Bible Training Centers overseas, as well as other Bible schools around the world. Brian graduated with honors from Drury University with a B.A. in business administration. He was a National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) nationally ranked tennis player and, at the time, the player with the most wins in school history. Later, he competed on the European Pro Satellite and Challenger circuits. In his early twenties, he was miraculously healed of the worst form of Burkitt's lymphoma, a rare, deadly cancer of the lymph system. His testimony has been featured on Kenneth Copeland's Voice of Victory and Pat Robertson's The 700 Club and in several well-known newspaper and tennis publications. Brian and Beth and their four children currently live near Richmond, Virginia. See less