Bo Hampton
Bo Hampton is an Atlanta, Georgia based storyboard and comic book artist. He started his professional art career in comics back in the early 80's. He has worked for DC, Marvel, Image and smaller comic book publishers. His body of work includes Swamp Thing, Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight, Viking Glory, Batman: Castle of the Bat, Moon Knight, Epic Illustrated, New Mutants, Superman: The Animated Series and much, much more. He recently completed work for the Sony TV series Powers.
Bo Hampton is an Atlanta, Georgia based storyboard and comic book artist. He started his professional art career in comics back in the early 80's. He has worked for DC, Marvel, Image and smaller comic book publishers. His body of work includes Swamp Thing, Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight, Viking Glory, Batman: Castle of the Bat, Moon Knight, Epic Illustrated, New Mutants, Superman: The Animated Series and much, much more. He recently completed work for the Sony TV series Powers. See less