Aurore Petit
Aurore Petit is a graduate of the �cole Nationale Sup�rieure des Arts D�coratifs of Strasbourg. After working for some time as an illustrator for the press, in 2008 she published her first children's book, M�nageries , with �ditions Thierry Magnier. Since then, she has created many books for young readers. She is the author of A Mother Is a House ( Une maman, c'est comme une maison ) which was published in 2019 by Editions Les Fourmis Rouges and was met with great acclaim. For La...See more
Aurore Petit is a graduate of the �cole Nationale Sup�rieure des Arts D�coratifs of Strasbourg. After working for some time as an illustrator for the press, in 2008 she published her first children's book, M�nageries , with �ditions Thierry Magnier. Since then, she has created many books for young readers. She is the author of A Mother Is a House ( Une maman, c'est comme une maison ) which was published in 2019 by Editions Les Fourmis Rouges and was met with great acclaim. For La Martini�re Jeunesse, she illustrated Tomatoes on My Balcony ( Des tomates sur mon balcon) and How Are You? ( Comment allez-vous? ), as well as This Is My Place (C'est chez moi ) and Little Monkey (Petit singe ), both of which she also wrote. She lives in Nantes, France. See less