Anne Booth
Anne Booth has always wanted to be a children's writer, but on the way to becoming one has worked in many jobs. Anne lives in Kent in a lovely village with her husband and four children - and the children's grandfather across the road. They have two hens called Poppy and Anastasia. Anne loves tea and once won a Blue Peter badge for writing a poem about two mice in a bucket of rice. Despite this, she does not own any mice.
Anne Booth has always wanted to be a children's writer, but on the way to becoming one has worked in many jobs. Anne lives in Kent in a lovely village with her husband and four children - and the children's grandfather across the road. They have two hens called Poppy and Anastasia. Anne loves tea and once won a Blue Peter badge for writing a poem about two mice in a bucket of rice. Despite this, she does not own any mice. See less