Ann Fisher-Wirth
Ann Fisher-Wirth is the author of several poetry books, including Paradise Is Jagged, The Bones of Winter Birds, Mississippi, and Carta Marina . She has received the Malahat Review Long Poem Prize, the Rita Dove Poetry Award, two Mississippi Arts Commission Poetry fellowships, and the Mississippi Institute of Arts and Letters Poetry Prize. She teaches in the English Department at the University of Mississippi, where she also directs the minor in environmental studies.
Ann Fisher-Wirth is the author of several poetry books, including Paradise Is Jagged, The Bones of Winter Birds, Mississippi, and Carta Marina . She has received the Malahat Review Long Poem Prize, the Rita Dove Poetry Award, two Mississippi Arts Commission Poetry fellowships, and the Mississippi Institute of Arts and Letters Poetry Prize. She teaches in the English Department at the University of Mississippi, where she also directs the minor in environmental studies. See less