Andrew Townsend
Andrew Townsend is a runner, writer and photographer from Reading, UK. He runs thousands of miles every year, mostly solo and with minimal planning. His adventures include running 8 marathons in 8 countries in 8 days - a world first, a 300km dash across Italy in just 7 days and an epic, 525 mile run across Spain from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean. You can read more about Andrew by going to
Andrew Townsend is a runner, writer and photographer from Reading, UK. He runs thousands of miles every year, mostly solo and with minimal planning. His adventures include running 8 marathons in 8 countries in 8 days - a world first, a 300km dash across Italy in just 7 days and an epic, 525 mile run across Spain from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean. You can read more about Andrew by going to See less