A C Gracie
A.C. Gracie is the mother of two young men. She loves God. A.C. holds a Master of Science degree in Human Services. She is a military veteran and a survivor. A.C. was abused as a child and was attacked while on active duty. She endured heartache throughout her adult life. Walking with God helped her forgive those who abused and hurt her, and she belives her story can bless others.
A.C. Gracie is the mother of two young men. She loves God. A.C. holds a Master of Science degree in Human Services. She is a military veteran and a survivor. A.C. was abused as a child and was attacked while on active duty. She endured heartache throughout her adult life. Walking with God helped her forgive those who abused and hurt her, and she belives her story can bless others. See less
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