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Reporting Intellectual Property Infringements

Alibris is committed to protecting the intellectual property rights of third parties. Under our Seller Participation Agreement, sellers are prohibited from listing for sale items that do not comply with all applicable laws. However, given the nature of a marketplace, we cannot verify that the thousands of sellers have the right to sell the millions of items they list on this Web site. We, therefore, need the help of rights holders in identifying listings that appear to infringe on the rights of intellectual property owners.

If you are the owner of certain intellectual property rights, or act as the owner's authorized agent, and wish to report a listing issue, please complete and submit the following Notice of Copyright Infringement form. This notice will be reviewed by Alibris and handled in accordance with all applicable laws to ensure that the rights of intellectual property owners are maintained. Should you have any questions regarding this policy please e-mail Alibris at

Name *
Address *
City, state, zip code *
E-mail address *
Telephone number *
IP rights status *#  Owner  Agent
If agent, please provide
the name of the rights owner
Please specify the nature of your concern
By submitting this form, you do hereby attest under penalty of perjury
that the following statements are true:
  • You are the owner ("Owner"), or an agent authorized to act on behalf of the Owner,
    of applicable intellectual property rights.
  • You have a good faith belief that the items/listings identified above offer items
    or contain materials that are not authorized by the Owner,
    its agent, or the law and, therefore, infringe the Owner's rights.
  • The information in this notice is accurate.
I have read and understood this notice. *
* Required field.
# Select one option only.