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Shopping Cart

Why are my selections disappearing from my Shopping Cart?

Please note that any item added to your cart is reserved for you for 12 hours but may be sold to others after that time; it is best to return within 12 hours to purchase items still in your cart.

If you are a returning customer and your browser has cached our Web site, you may have trouble adding items to your Shopping Cart or you may have trouble logging in to place an order. Both of these problems occur because cookies from our old Web site remain on your computer. Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored by your browser on your computer to safely keep track of the books in your Shopping Cart.

To fix this problem, you can remove your Alibris cookies from your computer. Below are directions for removing the Alibris cookies for both Mac and PC systems. After you remove the old cookie, close your browser and then log on again to make your order selections. You should be set. We apologize for this inconvenience.

If you use Internet Explorer with Windows: Open a browser window, click on Tools in the uppermost menu bar, then Internet Options, and then Settings in the Temporary Internet files section. In the Settings box click on View Files. Locate the Alibris cookie and delete it.

For Mac: Press the key combination COMMAND + F to bring up the Find option. In the white bar, type: magiccookie. Hit ENTER. The Found Items list displays. Click on each MagicCookie listing until your Alibris cookies is displayed in the lower box. Click on the folder and drag it to the trash.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact Customer Service .

I just placed an order but it does not appear in my account. Did you receive it?

Your order may take up to one hour to appear in your order history on the Your Account page. You will receive an order acknowledgement e-mail when your order is received. Please wait at least one hour before submitting a duplicate order.

More questions? Go back to the mainHelp & Customer Service page or send e-mail to customer service.