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About Alibris Sellers

How can I contact a seller about an item I am considering purchasing?
How can I contact a seller regarding my order?
How can I get more information about a seller?
What do the seller ratings mean?

How can I contact a seller about an item I am considering purchasing?

You'll find many ways to contact independent sellers who list items on Alibris, including the following methods:

  • If you need more information before ordering a listed item, click the Contact The Seller link on the item details page.
  • If you have questions for a seller from whom you've ordered in the past, log in to Your Account, click the appropriate order number in the Detail column of your Order History, and then click the E-mail Seller link on the Order Detail page.
  • In item listings or in Your Account, click a seller name link to visit the seller's Alibris store, where you can click the Contact Seller link.

How can I contact a seller regarding my order?

If you have questions for a seller about an order you've placed with them, log in to Your Account, click the appropriate order number in the Detail column of your Order History, and then click the E-mail Seller link on the Order Detail page.

How can I get more information about a seller?

To learn more about a particular seller, click the seller name link in item listings or in your Order History in Your Account to visit the seller's Alibris store. While there, you'll be able to browse all of the seller's listings and to contact them directly.

What do the seller ratings mean?

We offer millions of out-of-print, used, foreign language, and collectible items from our worldwide network of sellers. Our network is made up of professional, reliable sellers. However, all seller items are subject to prior saleand some sellers' items are consistently more available than others.

We developed the Alibris Seller Rating System to help you to select an item that is more likely to be available. The seller rating does not reflect the quality of service offered by the bookseller. Sellers with items that are available 100% of the time have the highest rating.

- Almost always available.

- Usually available.

- Often available.

- Sometimes available.

- Often not available.

- The seller is new to Alibris or does not receive a minimum number of orders to display an accurate availability rating.

More questions? Go back to the main Help & Customer Service page or send e-mail to customer service.