This novel chronicles the life of a young boy from the mean yet turbulent streets of Cleveland, Ohio beginning in the 1940s that visits his family in the deep south of Arkansas during the Jim Crow Era. It is here that he that becomes entangled in a series of youthful indiscretions that eventually land him in juvenile detention. Clearly this path turns into an unbelievable chain of events that lead him into a world of drugs, deception, and danger as an adult which ends in murder and incarceration in the Kentucky State Prison ...
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This novel chronicles the life of a young boy from the mean yet turbulent streets of Cleveland, Ohio beginning in the 1940s that visits his family in the deep south of Arkansas during the Jim Crow Era. It is here that he that becomes entangled in a series of youthful indiscretions that eventually land him in juvenile detention. Clearly this path turns into an unbelievable chain of events that lead him into a world of drugs, deception, and danger as an adult which ends in murder and incarceration in the Kentucky State Prison in the 1980s. The tale makes the reader wonder could this account be actually true while based on real life events.
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