Volume I of III. Over 500 hilarious one liner jokes in four humorous chapters encompassing all areas of comedy in the punch lines - clean, dirty, adult, child, sex, christian, fat, stupid, redneck, practical - it's in here. These really funny visual one line quips for dating, shopaholic, insane and the disgusting will be plagiarized by stand up comics for years to come! Why I Stay Single! Excerpts from Chapter One: A Second Date's No So Likely If...He picks his nose during the second course and eats it during the third, A ...
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Volume I of III. Over 500 hilarious one liner jokes in four humorous chapters encompassing all areas of comedy in the punch lines - clean, dirty, adult, child, sex, christian, fat, stupid, redneck, practical - it's in here. These really funny visual one line quips for dating, shopaholic, insane and the disgusting will be plagiarized by stand up comics for years to come! Why I Stay Single! Excerpts from Chapter One: A Second Date's No So Likely If...He picks his nose during the second course and eats it during the third, A Second Date's No So Likely If...He makes karate noises while eating sushi, A Second Date's No So Likely If...You uncontrollably laugh at her dinner attire when she opens the door, A Second Date's No So Likely If...She wore condom earrings to a religious festival, A Second Date's No So Likely If...He called it dancing, but you thought it was an epileptic seizure. Linda Parker, a determined to stay single mother of three and grandmother, shares her brilliant visual quick jokes about encounters drawn from family, children, ex-husbands (plural), coworkers and some incredibly undesirable attempts to date in her 40's. They are the type of laughs that no one would admit to doing if caught in the act. In light of the above, the author claims there won't be a Husband Number 4! Well, I admit, this is a first for me. I've read and written lots of funny stuff. And I have 'funny' in my blood, my dad was Bozo the Clown. (True Story.) But I've never edited a joke book before. And it is hilarious. Got any more? I could do this all day! Jennifer.
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