Summary The story begins with the birth of White-Fang, a wolf-dog. The novel follows the pack from which it comes and its first weeks of wild life, its struggle for life: eating or being eaten. Then he experiences life among the Indians; His master is called Castor-Gray. He meets other dogs and becomes an enemy with them, Lip-lip being his rival. But White Fang, proud and powerful, undergoes the wickedness of white men; In reaction, he becomes a fierce fighter. The story then becomes darker when it is exchanged at Beauty ...
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Summary The story begins with the birth of White-Fang, a wolf-dog. The novel follows the pack from which it comes and its first weeks of wild life, its struggle for life: eating or being eaten. Then he experiences life among the Indians; His master is called Castor-Gray. He meets other dogs and becomes an enemy with them, Lip-lip being his rival. But White Fang, proud and powerful, undergoes the wickedness of white men; In reaction, he becomes a fierce fighter. The story then becomes darker when it is exchanged at Beauty Smith against alcohol to become a beast of combat. Despite his many attempts, Castor-Gris refuses to take him back. He wins every fierce duel until the day he has to fight with a bulldog named Cherokee. While he is seriously wounded, two men stop the fight: Weedon Scott, a mining engineer, and his friend Matt. White Fang is thus gathered and saved from the ill-treatment of this "crazy man". Thanks to the patience of his new masters, he discovers "love" and "friendship" between a wolf and his master. One day, an intruder named Jim Hall wants to attack Judge Scott, the father of Weedon, and Croc-Blanc defends him despite his many injuries. He is cared for and ends his days in the company of Collie the bitch Scott and their numerous family.
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