A Deep Philosophical Discourse on the Nature of Civilization...The Bible uses many riddles, parables, and symbols to tell a hidden story that is cloaked mysteriously beneath the visible black and white letters. One theme that is seen repeatedly in scripture is the serpent wrapped around a tree, a piece of wood or a pole. The devil, or Lucifer, or Satan as he is known was also a serpent in the Garden of Eden who is depicted as twisted around the tree of knowledge. Again this same emblem is found in Numbers 21 when Moses ...
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A Deep Philosophical Discourse on the Nature of Civilization...The Bible uses many riddles, parables, and symbols to tell a hidden story that is cloaked mysteriously beneath the visible black and white letters. One theme that is seen repeatedly in scripture is the serpent wrapped around a tree, a piece of wood or a pole. The devil, or Lucifer, or Satan as he is known was also a serpent in the Garden of Eden who is depicted as twisted around the tree of knowledge. Again this same emblem is found in Numbers 21 when Moses lifted up a serpent upon a pole before the Israelites. Exodus 2 produces this serpent again when Moses first acquired his powerful walking staff, which was originally a wooden pole which turned into a serpent. How could these three appearances of the serpent on a wooden stick be related? What clues are being given through this symbol? What is the serpent doing in the hand of Moses, and what is the hidden agenda of the devil running deep within the roots of the scriptures? The devil's agenda will be revealed as he is pulled out of the secrecy of the shadows and exposed in the brightness of truth. The devil has never been revealed in this way. Once his mask is removed, his face is very familiar. The reality of the matter is absolutely shocking. Come discover what few ever dig deeply enough to find.
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