All of Mars is united under John Carter,but forces behind the scenes are plotting to tear the Red Planet apart. Aconspiracy threatens to trigger all-out war between the Red Martians and thesavage Green hordes - can Carter's most steadfast ally, the mighty Tars Tarkas,overcome his own bestial urges and save the planet? Meanwhile, a beloved figurefrom Mars's past makes a surprise reappearance, but all is not well, and soonCarter and his family find themselves hunted and on the run. What's John Carterto do? Whip out his sword ...
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All of Mars is united under John Carter,but forces behind the scenes are plotting to tear the Red Planet apart. Aconspiracy threatens to trigger all-out war between the Red Martians and thesavage Green hordes - can Carter's most steadfast ally, the mighty Tars Tarkas,overcome his own bestial urges and save the planet? Meanwhile, a beloved figurefrom Mars's past makes a surprise reappearance, but all is not well, and soonCarter and his family find themselves hunted and on the run. What's John Carterto do? Whip out his sword and start killing people, of course! Two epic tales ofbetrayal, mystery, romance and action await you in Warlord of Mars Volume 4,collecting issues 26 through 35 of the ongoingseries.
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