Jackson and Eva is a patchwork quilt of quirky characters that combine humor, drama, horror and pathos set within a time- spanning backdrop. This is the story of the dissolution of the marriage of two mortals, Jackson and Eva, who have become a part of the lives of the inhabitants of The Cat's Ass Boutique, a Vampire nightclub. It is also the story of the dysfunctional lives and relationships of Vampires, thus proving that immortality does not necessarily guarantee mental and emotional stability.
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Jackson and Eva is a patchwork quilt of quirky characters that combine humor, drama, horror and pathos set within a time- spanning backdrop. This is the story of the dissolution of the marriage of two mortals, Jackson and Eva, who have become a part of the lives of the inhabitants of The Cat's Ass Boutique, a Vampire nightclub. It is also the story of the dysfunctional lives and relationships of Vampires, thus proving that immortality does not necessarily guarantee mental and emotional stability.
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