The Uncanny is a Journal that aims to publish texts (in blind and peer reviews) essentially essayistic around various themes since allocated to Social Sciences and Humanities, lato sensu, including results of investigation developed as part of courses in gradution, Master's Degree and PhD. Open to the participation of all interested, the Uncanny will privilege inquiry articles and critical readings seetled in philosophical and cultural perspectives and current scientific methods. Averse to schools or any proselytizing of ...
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The Uncanny is a Journal that aims to publish texts (in blind and peer reviews) essentially essayistic around various themes since allocated to Social Sciences and Humanities, lato sensu, including results of investigation developed as part of courses in gradution, Master's Degree and PhD. Open to the participation of all interested, the Uncanny will privilege inquiry articles and critical readings seetled in philosophical and cultural perspectives and current scientific methods. Averse to schools or any proselytizing of political, ideological or religious nature, the Uncanny is oriented only by criteria of scientific quality, in the respect for the plurality of points of view and tolerance. Therefore, the Uncanny Journal its not connected to any department, university or instituttion. A Uncanny ??? uma revista (com arbitragem cient???fica) que visa publicar textos de cariz essencialmente ensa???stico em torno de temas v???rios desde que afectos ???s Ci???ncias Sociais e Humanas, lato sensu, incluindo resultados de investiga??????o desenvolvida no ???mbito de cursos de Licenciatura, de Mestrado e de Doutoramento. Aberta ??? participa??????o de todos os interessados, aUncanny privilegiar??? artigos de investiga??????o e leituras cr???ticas assentes em perspectivas de abordagem filos???fica e cultural e m???todos actuais. Avessa a escolas ou a qualquer proselitismo de ???ndole pol???tica, ideol???gica ou religiosa, a Uncanny orienta-se apenas por crit???rios de qualidade cient???fica, no respeito pela pluralidade de pontos de vista e pela toler???ncia. A Uncanny n???o est??? vinculada por isso a nenhum departamento, universidade ou institui??????o.
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