This sci-fi psychological thriller follows three interconnected storylines, adapted by Conor Stechschulte from his graphic novel and directed by Rob Schroeder. The first storyline follows Glen (Vincent Kartheiser), whose car breaks down and must seek refuge in an older man's house. Later, the man orchestrates his wife and Glen to sleep together. The second storyline follows pregnant Katie (Rainey Qualley), who's having an affair with a senator running for reelection. The third storyline involves Shannon (Breeda Wool), a ...
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This sci-fi psychological thriller follows three interconnected storylines, adapted by Conor Stechschulte from his graphic novel and directed by Rob Schroeder. The first storyline follows Glen (Vincent Kartheiser), whose car breaks down and must seek refuge in an older man's house. Later, the man orchestrates his wife and Glen to sleep together. The second storyline follows pregnant Katie (Rainey Qualley), who's having an affair with a senator running for reelection. The third storyline involves Shannon (Breeda Wool), a psychological researcher working in a lab experimenting with hypnosis. Olivia Cantor, Rovi
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