Artikel Noga Ayali-Darshan The Meaning of Hyn d?rs ydm in Light of a Parallel from Emar Krzysztof J. Baranowski The Ugaritic Vocative in Light of the Akkadian of Ugarit Stefan Bojowald Notizen zu einigen Verwandtschaften zwischen agyptischen und semitischen Redewendungen Stefan Bojowald Zum Konigstitel "Konig der Ewigkeit" in der ugaritischen und agyptischen Sprache Guy Bunnens / John M. Russell A Bit-Hilani at Til Barsib? Clarifications and further evidence Elyahu Cohen-Sasson / Johnathan Yogev / Shamir Yona Why does the ...
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Artikel Noga Ayali-Darshan The Meaning of Hyn d?rs ydm in Light of a Parallel from Emar Krzysztof J. Baranowski The Ugaritic Vocative in Light of the Akkadian of Ugarit Stefan Bojowald Notizen zu einigen Verwandtschaften zwischen agyptischen und semitischen Redewendungen Stefan Bojowald Zum Konigstitel "Konig der Ewigkeit" in der ugaritischen und agyptischen Sprache Guy Bunnens / John M. Russell A Bit-Hilani at Til Barsib? Clarifications and further evidence Elyahu Cohen-Sasson / Johnathan Yogev / Shamir Yona Why does the Word ?l? ("Three") mean "Copper" in Ugaritic? Manfried Dietrich / Oswald Loretz Sprecher und Gegner in den Schlangenbeschworungen KTU 1.169 (RIH 78/20) und KTU 1.178 (RS 92.2014). Ein Nachtrag Meindert Dijkstra Ishtar seduces the Sea-serpent. A new join in the epic of Hedammu (KUB 36, 56+95) and its meaning for the battle between Baal and Yam in Ugaritic tradition Dominik Elkowicz Herkunft und Verwendung anthropomorpher und zoomorpher Gesichtsmasken in Palastina Betina I. Faist / Josue-Javier Justel / Ferhan Sakal / Juan-Pablo Vita Bibliografia de los estudios de Emar (5) Avraham Faust The Israelites and the Sea. Ecology, World Views and Coastal Settlements Israel Finkelstein / Ido Koch / Oded Lipschits The Biblical Gilead. Observations on Identifications, Geographic Divisions and Territorial History Salvatore Gaspa The rab gina'e's Administrative Unit at Work. A Quantitative Study on the Provision of Foodstuffs in the Middle Assyrian Period in the Evidence of the Tabular Lists Philippe Guillaume Scorpiomania and how to avoid it Katie M. Heffelfinger The Sick I Will Strengthen for You: KTU 1.13 and Lyric Poetics Szabolcs Ferencz Kato El und/oder Baal? Eine religionsgeschichtliche Untersuchung der Stellungen Els und Baals im Baal-Zyklus Ernst Axel Knauf / Hermann Michael Niemann Tell el-Far'ah South Ostracon 1027 and a New Identification for the Site Oswald Loretz Das Entscheidungsproblem "YHWH = 'lhym 'Gott'" im biblisch-judischen 'a?ad-Monotheismus nach Jes 45,5a und Dtn 6,4 in Auseinandersetzung mit der babylonischen Marduk-Theologie Nadav Na'aman The Inscriptions of Kuntillet 'Ajrud Through the Lens of Historical Research Hermann Michael Niemann Observations on the Layout of Iron Age Samaria - A Reply to Israel Finkelstein Francoise Rougemont Oil at Nuzi and in the Linear B Records: A First Step Towards a Comparative Study JoAnn Scurlock Death and the Maidens. A New Interpretive Framework for KTU 1.23 S. David Sperling A Study of Psalm 2 Josef Tropper Hebraisch 'ellah als Relativpronomen Jordi Vidal Ugarit at War (4). Weapons in Sanctuaries Robert Wenning Nischen-Survey zwischen Theaternekropole und Wadi Farasa Ost in Petra, Jordanien D.R. West Aqhat, Aktaion and Agdistis. A Review of the Mythological Evidence Discussed by M.C. Astour Fred C. Woudhuizen The Largest Cretan Hieroglyphic Seal Johnathan Yogev / Shamir Yona Reading between the Lines. Some Notes on KTU 1.114 (RS 24.258) Anabel Zarzecki-Peleg / Ruhama Bon?l Hazor - A Syrian City-State in Mitanni's Orbit? Thomas Schneider The Philistine Language. New Etymologies and the Name "David" Replik D. Pardee On the Published Representation in the Early Third Millennium A.D. of Ugaritic Tablet Copies: The Case of RS 15.117 Buchbesprechungen und Buchanzeigen Jakob Andersson, Kingship in the Early Mesopotamian Onomasticon 2800-2200 BCE (Rudiger Schmitt) Dennis Pardee: The Ugaritic Texts and the Origins of West-Semitic Literary Composition (Oswald Loretz) Elisabeth Simpson, The Furniture from Tumulus MM. The Gordion Wooden Objects Volume I. (Ellen Rehm) Abkurzungsverzeichnis Indizes
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