Wealthy and charismatic businessman Satoru Ichijo (Hiroaki Tanaka) pursues his career with determination, consistently striving for further success. However, an unusual message of an otherworldly character makes its way to Satoru, inspiring the businessman to make a radical shift in his life calling to help improve the lives of those around him. Directed by Hiroshi Akabane. Yoshiko Sengen, Nao Hasegawa, and Shiro Namiki co-star. Based on the life of Ryuho Okawa. Maggie Sadler, Rovi
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Wealthy and charismatic businessman Satoru Ichijo (Hiroaki Tanaka) pursues his career with determination, consistently striving for further success. However, an unusual message of an otherworldly character makes its way to Satoru, inspiring the businessman to make a radical shift in his life calling to help improve the lives of those around him. Directed by Hiroshi Akabane. Yoshiko Sengen, Nao Hasegawa, and Shiro Namiki co-star. Based on the life of Ryuho Okawa. Maggie Sadler, Rovi
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