Twice Upon a Time is an animated cartoon feature from the Lucasfilm factory. The story involves a battle royal amongst the employees of Murkworks over possession of a "cosmic clock." Whoever controls Time will control the universe, so you can well imagine that some of the characters consider this struggle of life-and-death importance. Were this a Disney film, there might have been more story and less "mood". But the Disney people might not have used the singular animation technique showcased in this film: Lumage, a process ...
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Twice Upon a Time is an animated cartoon feature from the Lucasfilm factory. The story involves a battle royal amongst the employees of Murkworks over possession of a "cosmic clock." Whoever controls Time will control the universe, so you can well imagine that some of the characters consider this struggle of life-and-death importance. Were this a Disney film, there might have been more story and less "mood". But the Disney people might not have used the singular animation technique showcased in this film: Lumage, a process involving what looks like (but aren't) paper cutouts. While Twice Upon a Time did not test well in preview and was never given a general release, the film has done reasonably well on videocassette. Hal Erickson, Rovi
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