Trapped at the Top: Pika Pete's Plea for Help. Pika News Network (PNN) is always first on the scene with the most compelling and up-to-date climate news! In this installment, Reporter Peterson travels on location to Pikes Peak, to interview champion Pika Pete and learn how global warming threatens his colony and North America's pikas. Dubbed "America's cutest animal" pikas are excellent ambassadors to excite and inspire young readers to find ways they can make simple changes with a meaningful climate impact. ...
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Trapped at the Top: Pika Pete's Plea for Help. Pika News Network (PNN) is always first on the scene with the most compelling and up-to-date climate news! In this installment, Reporter Peterson travels on location to Pikes Peak, to interview champion Pika Pete and learn how global warming threatens his colony and North America's pikas. Dubbed "America's cutest animal" pikas are excellent ambassadors to excite and inspire young readers to find ways they can make simple changes with a meaningful climate impact. With colorful illustrations, told through the popular graphic novel format, Pika Pete, head of a Pika colony on Colorado's Pikes Peak, introduces the reader to pikas in general and to the threat global warming has on pika colonies in North America's western mountains. Pete and his colony ask for the reader's help and provide a list of ways readers can combat climate change and save the pika from extinction.
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