Toujours Amis tells the extraordinary journey of Sean Easley. Growing up as a Quaker in 1960's Philadelphia, Sean stands out as he challenges many of the accepted social norms. Despite the tremendous tensions of the times, he and his childhood friends, Sonny Goldman, a Jew; Louie Jackson, an exceptional black athlete; and Cassandra Washington, Sean's high school girlfriend who is also black, promise to be "always friends." Read Toujours Amis and discover the intrigue!
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Toujours Amis tells the extraordinary journey of Sean Easley. Growing up as a Quaker in 1960's Philadelphia, Sean stands out as he challenges many of the accepted social norms. Despite the tremendous tensions of the times, he and his childhood friends, Sonny Goldman, a Jew; Louie Jackson, an exceptional black athlete; and Cassandra Washington, Sean's high school girlfriend who is also black, promise to be "always friends." Read Toujours Amis and discover the intrigue!
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