"Tommy's Tasty Adventure" follows Tommy, a young boy who's cautious about trying new foods. Guided by his loving family, he embarks on a journey that's a blend of bravery and exploration. Through vivid illustrations by a talented disabled artist, Tommy's story encourages kids to discover the joy of tasting and trying without fear. This book gently supports children, especially those with sensory needs, in building a positive relationship with food, offering a whimsical world where each meal becomes an adventure.
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"Tommy's Tasty Adventure" follows Tommy, a young boy who's cautious about trying new foods. Guided by his loving family, he embarks on a journey that's a blend of bravery and exploration. Through vivid illustrations by a talented disabled artist, Tommy's story encourages kids to discover the joy of tasting and trying without fear. This book gently supports children, especially those with sensory needs, in building a positive relationship with food, offering a whimsical world where each meal becomes an adventure.
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