"I was completely enthralled by the fascinating and unique world. I couldn't turn the pages fast enough." -- Franny Billingsley, award-winning author of Chime "A tense, romantic fantasy epic about prejudice, political struggle, and the power of words, SWORD AND VERSE kept me guessing at every turn. Kathy MacMillan is a writer to watch." -- R.J. Anderson, Andre Norton Award-nominated author of ULTRAVIOLET "Fans of Megan Whalen Turner will enjoy MacMillan's debut." -- Publishers Weekly "A thoughtful debut fantasy." ...
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"I was completely enthralled by the fascinating and unique world. I couldn't turn the pages fast enough." -- Franny Billingsley, award-winning author of Chime "A tense, romantic fantasy epic about prejudice, political struggle, and the power of words, SWORD AND VERSE kept me guessing at every turn. Kathy MacMillan is a writer to watch." -- R.J. Anderson, Andre Norton Award-nominated author of ULTRAVIOLET "Fans of Megan Whalen Turner will enjoy MacMillan's debut." -- Publishers Weekly "A thoughtful debut fantasy." -- Kirkus Reviews "MacMillan has created a believable world, complete with its own mythology. For voracious and dedicated fantasy readers." -- School Library Journal "MacMillan's love of learning, knowledge, and literacy shapes both plot and character development, while raising ethical questions with no easy answers. Beneath what appears to be a romantic fantasy, discerning readers will find complex, broader issues among the predictable comforts of the genre." -- Booklist "This is a highly satisfying novel with an exciting conclusion. Filled with romance, political intrigue, and rebellion, this page-turner will be in high demand by fantasy lovers." -- Voice of Youth Advocates (VOYA)
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Add this copy of Timberline to cart. $4.98, like new condition, Sold by Zardoz Books rated 4.0 out of 5 stars, ships from Westbury, WILTS, UNITED KINGDOM, published 1996 by Chivers Large print (Chivers, Windsor, Paragon & C.
1996, Chivers Large print (Chivers, Windsor, Paragon & C
Add this copy of Timberline to cart. $16.97, good condition, Sold by ThriftBooks-Atlanta rated 5.0 out of 5 stars, ships from Austell, GA, UNITED STATES, published 1995 by Thorndike Press.
Add this copy of Timberline to cart. $16.97, fair condition, Sold by ThriftBooks-Dallas rated 5.0 out of 5 stars, ships from Dallas, TX, UNITED STATES, published 1995 by Thorndike Press.
Add this copy of Timberline to cart. $17.97, fair condition, Sold by ThriftBooks-Baltimore rated 5.0 out of 5 stars, ships from Halethorpe, MD, UNITED STATES, published 1995 by Thorndike Press.