This 1977 installment in the Wonderful World of Disney anthology series tells the story of Penny, a teenage girl who was raised on a horse farm, and dreams of becoming a jockey herself. But the world of racing rarely includes women, and nobody accepts Penny's aspirations until one fateful day, when a new horse named Woodhill shows up at the farm. The wild new addition seemingly can't be tamed, but Penny feels a connection to the new horse, and soon it looks like her ability to communicate with Woodhill could also help her ...
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This 1977 installment in the Wonderful World of Disney anthology series tells the story of Penny, a teenage girl who was raised on a horse farm, and dreams of becoming a jockey herself. But the world of racing rarely includes women, and nobody accepts Penny's aspirations until one fateful day, when a new horse named Woodhill shows up at the farm. The wild new addition seemingly can't be tamed, but Penny feels a connection to the new horse, and soon it looks like her ability to communicate with Woodhill could also help her realize her dream. Cammila Collar, Rovi
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