This dramatic retelling of the Passion presents an ongoing narrative on each of the eight last days, together with questions and meditations. It begins with an overview of the three years of Jesus public life and then jumps to the passion, death, and resurrection. The narratives or stories are dramatic akin to Ignatius "composition of place" where the seeker gets into the mind and senses of an actual listener and participant in the event. The questions are those an intelligent seeker asks, e.g. why would a benign God have a ...
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This dramatic retelling of the Passion presents an ongoing narrative on each of the eight last days, together with questions and meditations. It begins with an overview of the three years of Jesus public life and then jumps to the passion, death, and resurrection. The narratives or stories are dramatic akin to Ignatius "composition of place" where the seeker gets into the mind and senses of an actual listener and participant in the event. The questions are those an intelligent seeker asks, e.g. why would a benign God have a plan whose focus was the slaughter of his beloved Son? The meditations or elements to ponder are pertinent, e.g. if we have no tolerance for paradox, the gospels will be mute."
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